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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Report of the Dinner of the New Zealand Branch held at the
" Four Seasons " restaurant, Christchurch, on 22nd February, 1963.
This will be a date long remembered by New Zealand Kewites, for
we had all gathered to participate in the Conference being held in
Christchurch. The Centenary Celebrations of the Christchurch
Botanic Gardens were also held during this time.* New Zealanders
interested in the various fields of horticulture came to pay tribute
to the now famous Botanic Gardens which had led the field, contributing so much to botanical and horticultural interests.
The celebrations thus well attended, included the highlight of
the week, the grand flower show. This was a second Chelsea, the
largest show ever to be held in New Zealand. This event was
crowned by the greatest possible honour in the gracious presence
of Her Majesty the Queen, who with Prince Philip showed great
interest in the Botanic Gardens during their short sojourn in the
City of Christchurch.
It was with pleasure that the Kew Guild Branch gathered in
the light of these events  to enjoy a fine dinner, to renew friendships and to recall happy memories of Kew. In the toasts which
followed it was most appropriate to mention the names of two
New Zealand Kewites who had done so much in the moulding and
development of Christchurch Botanic Gardens, namely : —
Mr. J. A. McPherson, A.H.R.H.S., N.D.H.(N.Z.), (1924),
Curator from 1933-45.
Mr. M. J. Bassett, M.B.E., A.H.R.H.S., N.D.H.(N.Z.),
A.H.R.I.H.(N.Z.), (1914), Director from 1946-55.
We were honoured to have as our guests for the evening Mr.
and Mrs. Gilpin. Mr. Gilpin is the present Director of the Botanic
Gardens and the Christchurch Parks and Reserves. Also Mrs. D.
Tassock, wife of the late David Tassock.
Kewites present at the dinner were : Mr. M. J. Barnett (1914),
Chairman, and Mrs.  B a r n e t t; Mr. J. A. McPherson (1924) and
Mrs. McPherson ; Mr. L. Lannie (1939) and Mrs. Lannie ; Mr. D.
Riach (1955) and Mrs.  R i a c h; Mr. C. H.  l o n es (1939) and Mrs.
J o n e s; Mr. J. O. Taylor (1947) and Mrs.  T a y l o r; Messrs. D. C.
MacKenzie (1939), Secretary, A. McK. Geddes (1961), J. G. Short
(1940), R. Balch (1939) and H. H. Edwards (1947).
Apologies were received from Messrs. D. Leigh (1933) and
J. G. C. MacKenzie (1934).
The Toasts were : —
" The Queen  "—Mr. M. J. Barnett.
" The Kew Guild "—Mr. J. A. McPherson, reply by Mr.
A. McK. Geddes.
" The Ladies  "—Mr. R. Balch.
* K.G.J. (1962),  V o l.  V I I I,  N o .  L X V I I , p. 191. 2X2
Following the Dinner a movie film of the " Seasons at Kew "
was projected by Mr. Taylor.
We look forward  to  the gathering in 1964 and in the meantime
would like to convey our kindest regards to the vast membership
of the Guild. .  , , „ „ _..  . .
A. McK. GEDDE S, Dip.Hort.
Now established as an annual event, the slide competition for
coloured transparencies attracted a record entry of 130 slides.  T he
first prize in Class 1 (Plant Portraits), was awarded to Alan Barber
for Gazanias. Colourfully rendered on Kodak  I I, it was a close
first. Richard Marshall's Ektachrome study of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
being placed second,  John Elsley's Pleione formosanum, on Agfacolour, was third. In Class  I I, the study by John Elsley—" Rays
of Hope " on Ferraniacolour was first. The shot was taken as the
sun's rays first showed through the trees by the mound garden after
last winter's big fog and freeze-up. Placed a close second was
" Evening Magic " by Tony Schilling. This was an evening view
along a snow covered mountain ridge towards a distant loch, on
Kodak  I I. The third prize went to " Newspaper Boy " by Peter
Wilson, photographed at Clovelly, using Kodak  I I. Three prizes in
each class are awarded, being provided by the Club, excepting the
S. W. Rawlings' prize for top place in Class 1.
In December the photographic and mountaineering sections
combined  to present a show depicting the activities of the climbers
in Snowdonia and the glorious scenery which they enjoyed throughout the year. It was very well attended and was thoroughly
appreciated by all. Another slide evening is planned and also a
lecture by Mr. Rawlings on Matters Photographic.
During the past year the students' slide collection has been
placed under the care of the photographic section.  In response to
last year's request, approximately 300 more slides have been
received including some very generous donations from the United
States and Canada. These are being placed in the library as they
are mounted. Gifts of slides of plants and other horticultural
subjects are still welcomed and should be addressed to the Photographic Secretary at the Gardens. A really grateful thank you is
extended  to the benefactors of the collection in the past year.
Sales of photographic material and equipment have been
promising and the section has not drawn from club funds for
prizes this year.  It is hoped to keep up this practice in future and
to pay for the mounting of slides for the collection as well. Buying
through the club, members received a  5% discount and the club
approximately  2 %. My thanks are due  to John Winter for helping
with the sales and to all who have supported the club.
B. J. SALTER, Hon. Secretary. 28:
The past year has been a very enjoyable and successful one
for the Sports and Social Club. There has been a reasonable
attendance in the sporting activities, and the dances, especially the
jazz hops held at  the Coach and Horses, Kew Green, have been
well supported. Our thanks go  to Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey for
making these social evenings possible. The Christmas draw and
the football pontoon have increased the financial income considerably. The organisers of both are to be congratulated on their
successful efforts.
The Christmas party was held at the Boathouse, Kew Green
on 20th December. There was an excellent attendance, which
included not only the students and Old Kewites, but also the
Assistant Curators, members of  the Herbarium Staff, Director's
Office and Jodrell Laboratory. The decorations were very good
and principally composed of greenery, pot plants and a large
Christmas Tree.  In the corner of the hall there was a replica of
the new Kew Guild Badge.
The programme for the evening included the competitions
among the various departments. The individual acts were well
constructed, original and amusing, indicating that a great deal of
time had been spent in preparing them. The panel of judges
consisted of Mrs. Dempsey, Dr. and Mrs. Metcalf, and Dr. and
Mrs. Hubbard. The first prize—the traditional Christmas Cake
baked by Mrs. Metcalf—went to the tropical pits for its interpretation of " The Bedroom  ". Also to be remembered was " Retrospect 1963  ", a sketch performed by  the students of  the Palm
House. This was a " take-off" on Kew life and was based on the
television programme—" That was the week that was  ". Among
the other acts (all of which are worthy of mention but space does
not allow), was a programme by the " Cockroaches  ", a team of
very accomplished singers and musicians. It is hoped that we will
see and hear more of them at a future date.
The election of officers for the year was as follows : President,
Dr. C. R. Me t c a l f e; Chairman, Dr. K.  J o n e s; Treasurer, Mr. I.
Beye r; General Secretary, Miss K. Burlingham ; Social Secretary,
Mr. C. Popham ; Sectional Secretaries : Cricket, Mr. C. Roome ;
Hockey, Mr. W. Lewis ; Football, Mr. M. Dodge ; Athletics, Mr.
J. Elsley ; Mountaineering, Mr. A. D. Schilling; Music, Mr. M.
Bent a l l; Photography, Mr. B. Se t t e r; Table Tennis, Miss J.
De n n i s; Herbarium Representative, Miss E. Ha s t i n g s; C.M.I.
Representative, Miss  E. Hastings ; and M.A.F.F. Representative,
Mr. R. Fender.
The members of the club would like to express their thanks
to Mr. Pearce, who retires from the post of Treasurer after many
years of continuous service. We are very sorry that he has resigned,
but we are thankful for all the kindness and help he has given.
The thanks of club members are also extended to all who have
helped  to make  the year such an eventful and happy one.
Miss K. BURLINGHAM, Hon. General Secretary.

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